Gauntlet Dark Legacy Cheats

‎An electromagnetic pulse has transformed the world and leaders are deploying elite squads. Time has come for you to enter the fray, will you restore peace or ignite the largest world armed conflict in history? Afterpulse is the next generation of online TPS, perfectly designed for mobile. Afterpulse elite army. Afterpulse – Elite Army uses a 3D engine that has fascinated people from all over the world. The graphics turned this game into a fascinating battleground where the best overcome the weak, and the unique environment will call you back for more action. Afterpulse 3D new generation engine allows players to enjoy a real console army action experience using a mobile device. Its cutting-edge physically based graphics create extraordinary environments.


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Gauntlet Dark Legacy is a game for the Sony Playstation 2 console. Contentsshow Source information Cheats for this game were developed from the following source(s): Gauntlet Dark Legacy NTSC-U SLUS-20047 pcsx2 0.9.6 Cheats (raw) Cheat notes 00221668: All 'effective X' addresses are for. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Cheats. Xbox Submitted by GamesRadar Make Valkyrie a cheerleader with baton. When playing single player or multiple player put in CEL721 as a name. GameCube Submitted by GamesRadar Never Ending triple shot. Put in the following for your name MENAGE.

on some levels, if you go into the secret coin room, and there is an awake gargoyle, when you come out of the room, the dragon will be gone, and you do not the Golden Icon from it.
start as a normal character without any name codes, and start with someone who is invincible, using the name INVULN, and when something hard comes, get the enemy to attack the invincible person, and just keep hitting the enemy.
if you play with more than one person, the best way to play is to have the characters on the box, the Green Jester, Hyena, Archer, or Tigress, Blue Knight, Valkyrie, Unicorn, or Falconess, Yellow Sorceress, Wizard, Medusa, or Anubis, and the Red Dwarf, Barbarian, Ogre, or Minotaur.
When fighting Skorne in the Underworld, after you defeat him, you can see Garm in his weak form chained up behind the pit where Skorne stands.


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When you first start the game, you're given the yellow version of any character first. In order to change to green, red or blue you need only to simply press up and down when selecting the type of character you want.
To use any of the following codes, enter them as your player's name. Since that are put as the name, you can only have one in use at a time.
$10,000 Gold each level: 10000K
9 potions and keys each level: ALLFUL
Invincible Character: INVULN
Invisible Character: 000000
Floating Character: 1ANGLI
Big Character: DELTA1
3-Way Shot Character: MENAGE
Turbo Character: PURPLE
Extra Speedy Character: XSPEED
X-Ray Character: PEEKIN
Supershot Character: SSHOTS
Rapid Fire Character: QCKSHT
have 2 to 4 people fight against a gaurdian.
if you have 2 people 2x as much gold will come out of the boss.
Need a way to up your levels quickly? As soon as you unlock the Spider Queen boss fight in the Forest Stages, fight her repeatedly. Even though she's a lower level boss compared to the others you will fight after her, she will give you the most experience. You can literally gain at least two or three levels each time you fight her. Do this over and over again until you are a level 99 Legend. You can also use the treasure you gain from her to continually add attributes to your character and stock up on keys and magic potions.
Enter your name as 10000K. When you start the game you will have 10000 dollars. Every time before you start a level buy invualnerible until you run out of cash about 5 times.
enter your name as one of these (note):you can only enter one per person*
fat dwarf:ICE600
stick figure/smiley face:STX222
stick figure/baseball cap:KJH105
stick figure/mohawkNK666
bald guy:STG333
casual/head on staffIB626
martial artist/2 scythes:SJB964
bald guy/black capeARTHC
valkyre/bloody scythe:TWN300
japanese girl:AYA555
1st world general:MTN200
rat warrior:RAT333
Play as Pojo the Chicken
Play as Pojo - E G G 9 1 1
Getting impatient gaining levels for a new character when you switch over from your old higher level character? Have a friend join in! Either copy your Gauntlet save data on a second memory card or join forces with a friend who has covered as much ground in the game as you have. Have your partner play a high level character and then bring in a new change-over character you wish to level up. The higher level character will still have access to all the stages he/she has unlocked. Then, enter a boss fight and have the high character assault the boss in close quarters to distract it while the low character fires from afar. This will enable to low character to gain levels quicker than if he/she were going through regular stages. Combine this with the Fast Experience Spider Queen cheat listed here and your low characters will have a much better advantage when playing through the regular game.
Enter the following code as your characters name when beginning a new game
Reflecting Shots - R E F L E X
Haven't found all 12 runestones yet? Not to worry. If you miss a few along the way, just continue playing through the game until you get to one of the next-to-last stages where you fight Skorne for the first time. After that, any runestones you are missing can be found much easier than before. Simply go up to the Yellow Wizard Sumner and ask him about runestones. He will tell you which stage the next stone you need to find is in. Then, when you enter the level, you'll get a nifty little meter in the upper right hand corner that acts as a Hot & Cold game. The closer you are to the runestone, the more the meter will fill up. Sumner will also help you out by saying, 'You are near a runestone'. Grab the stone from that level, then return to Sumner for information on the location of the next one.
Each class in the game has quite a few secret costumes. To access these, simply enter the codes below as your character's name. Each six-digit code is one different costume.
If you press X in the name insertion screen when starting a new game, rather than entering a name, the computer will auto-complete it for you. Then, you'll get the lordly title of 'Larry' or 'Chip' or 'Chuck.' Chuck the Wizard has a nice ring to it.
Want to start the game with your charactor maxed out in attributes. You have to name your charactor 10000k, to unlock the cheat. You start the game with 10000$, so hit start to see the menu and select the shop. Spend all of your money on attributes, then exit. You'll be back in the castle with another 10000$. Keep doing this until your maxed out on attributes, then spend your money on whatever you want.
Each stage area in the game is divided up into six levels. The second level of each area contains a white door lying somewhere on the ground. Step over the door to enter a special level where you must collect 25 coins. Collect them all within the time limit to unlock one extra secret character. The first area will unlock Medusa, the second will unlock Minotaur and so on.
When the game loads, you see the copyrights screen first. If you hold the x button while this screen is up, the game will show the cutscenes from the beginning of the various levels when the screen clears. You can skip though scenes with x button and return to the normal load of the game by pressing start.
Browse Cheat Codes by Game Title

Cheat codes for Gauntlet: Dark Legacy

Jester turns to stick figure with Mohawk head

Put in the following for your name PNK666 .

Knight turns to Roman centurion

Put in the following for your name BAT900 .

Knight turns to ninja (sword and claws) costume

Put in the following for your name TAK118 .

Knight turns to bald man in street clothes (Sean Gugler)

Put in the following for your name STG333 .

Knight turns ton orange-skirted waitress

Put in the following for your name KAO292 .

Knight wears street clothes (Chris Sutton)

Put in the following for your name CSS222 .

Knight wears street clothes

Put in the following for your name ARV984 .

Knight wears street clothes and bturns toeball cap

Put in the following for your name DIB626 .

Knight turns to quarterback

Put in the following for your name RIZ721 .

Knight wears black karate outfit with twin scythes

Put in the following for your name SJB964 .

Knight wears black outfit and cape

Put in the following for your name DARTHC .

Valkyrie turns to the grim reaper with bloody scythe

Put in the following for your name TWN300 .

Valkyrie turns to a Japanese school girl

Put in the following for your name AYA555 .

Valkyrie turns to a cheerleader with baton

Put in the following for your name CEL721 .

Warrior with an ogre costume

Put in the following for your name Cturns to400 .

Warrior turns to an Orc Boss

Put in the following for your name MTN200 .

Warrior with a rat head

Put in the following for your name RAT333 .

Wizard with an evil appearance

Put in the following for your name GARM99 .

Wizard turns to an undead lich

Put in the following for your name GARM00 .

Wizard turns to a pharaoh

Put in the following for your name DES700 .

Wizard turns to an alien

Put in the following for your name SKY100 .

Wizard turns to Sumner

Put in the following for your name SUM224 .

Different Potions

After you complete a level and you get to buy things buy a potion or two. Then the potion will be green. If you don't want it green just do this: Save your game. Quit. Then load it again. Then pick the character you were. Your potion[s] should be a different color! If you want it to be green don't do this because it will change. Personally I don't like green ones. Enjoy!