Zone Of The Enders Characters
About This GameJEHUTY lives. And there, ANUBIS thrives.
ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER returns with 4K and VR support on Steam.Relive the experience ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER - M∀RS as a full-length remaster of the classic fast-paced 3D robot action game, recreated in VR, native 4K and in full surround sound. Battle islands commanders blimp. Enter JEHUTY’s cockpit and fly through Martian skies!The year is 2174 and the despotic BAHRAM military organisation is using new Orbital Frames robot technology to secure its grip on Mars and Earth.
Seizing control of the JEHUTY Orbital Frame, the player is the last hope for the stricken planets.
『zone of the enders』(ゾーン オブ エンダーズ)は、コナミコンピュータエンタテインメントジャパン(以下kcej)が開発・販売した、プレイステーション2用ゲーム『zone of the enders z.o.e』及びその続編・外伝シリーズの総称。z.o.e. Zone of the Enders Collection Wiki Guide; Walkthrough; Walkthrough; Zone of the Enders; Zone of the Enders; Walkthrough Parts 1-3; Walkthrough Part 4 - Boss 1: Tempest; Walkthrough Parts 5-10.