Ironsight Pc

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About Genre Shooter Summary Ironsight is a futuristic military First Person Shooter (FPS) game, based on the battle over natural resources between armed forces. The realistic gameplay will throw the player into the middle of intense situations as the player progresses through various locations.Western control over the Middle East's natural resources sparked conflict, leading to strong opposition from Russia and China. To contest this dominance, Russia set up a transnational corporation called the Energy Development Enterprise Network (EDEN) and hired Private Military Companies to protect their investments in the area.

Unlock her stage after clearing 30 Dark Sun Stages and obtaining Champloo. Sabre Kitties: Unlocked after clearing Akutare Mode 1-2: Vyers/Midboss: Unlock ES5 with 20 hours of Game time, 400 mana and in Episode 1-9 and beat his stage. On the next playthrough, get the stage again and pass his bill. Zetta: Unlock ES11 with 10 Dark Sun Maps cleared and 3000 mana. Disgaea 2 dark hero days unlockables.

Pressured, western governments hired their own PMCs, ultimately worsening the geopolitical scene. In 2023, a volcanic eruption caused a Megatsunami which swept up the Atlantic coast and annihilated numerous nuclear power plants.

The radioactive spills were devastating. With the western control in the Middle East weakened, EDEN seized the opportunity to capture the capitals and monopolize the region’s resources. Unable to compete alone, the USA and Europe established the North Atlantic Federation, or NAF.

By 2025, NAF and EDEN have entered an all-out war to secure control over the Middle East and the resources it holds. The conflict has spread around the globe and it is up to you, PMC mercenaries, to pick a side and fight with your team to secure victory.


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