Dungeon Hunter Alliance

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is a hack and slash action role-playing video game developed and published by Gameloft in 2011. The game is a remake of the 2009 iPhone game Dungeon Hunter, with the addition of a multiplayer mode and support for the PlayStation Move controller.

System: PS VitaDev: GameloftPub: UbisoftRelease: February 15, 2011Players: 1-4Screen Resolution: 544pBlood, ViolenceAlso well done are the music and sound effects, which, like many of the other elements, are clean and tight, but lack any sort distinguishable features. From the sword swishes to the lightning shocks, it's all familiar, as are the sylvan melodies and cinematic compositions during boss battles. Still, it's pleasant on the ears, and puts you deeper into the world you're trying to save. The one thing trimmed down is the voice acting. Sure, there's some nice work done during the cutscenes, but the in-game dialogue is all subtitled, something that could have easily been remedied.Dungeon Hunter: Alliance nicely incorporates the same multiplayer functionality as its console brother.

You can host or join a team with up to three other players either locally or online, and get right to the action. The game nicely distributes loot in a round robin fashion, so there should be no greedy hoarders to worry about. However, if a simpatico relationship has been formed, you're welcome to trade items by dropping the ones that another player may find useful.

You can set the parameters when hosting a game, such as a level cap, Hero or Legend difficulty (the latter only available after completing the story), and whether you want to play the campaign or team up in the Pit of Trials. Having a nice mix of classes in your foursome makes for some fun action, but also being confined to the same screen means you can only go as slow as your most impatient teammate, which can make completionists like me rather chagrined.

I must finish the review on a sour note, and that has to do with the game's price. The Vita copy of Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is in a rather unique and unsavory position. You see, the exact same game can be purchased on the PlayStation Network for less than a third of the $39.99 Vita cartridge cost, and cheaper still on the iOS app store. So unless you're a gamer without a PS3 or an Apple iOS device, there is simply no reason to purchase this pricey port.

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Eternity warriors 2 4.3.1 mod apk. If Dungeon Hunter: Alliance seems interesting, give it a couple of months and I guarantee you'll find it in the bargain bin at your local gaming store.BySean EngemannContributing WriterDate: February 23, 2012.