Undertow Current

Both of those are two different things. People say 'riptide' but what they are referring to is not normally a tidal force, the better term is Rip Current. There is a separate thing called a riptide that usually only affects boats.UndertowsUndertows are not really dangerous for most people. The term is often used interchangeably with rip current, but it just describes water under the waves going out to sea feeding the waves. As the water gets deep enough for waves to form (like.

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Maybe 1 meter deep) the undertows weaken.

The Tool FAQ offers this explanation of the lyrics. Undertow is a song about repeated drug use. The voice that he hears is some sort of craving for this drug (or something), it suggests nice. Synonyms for undertow at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for undertow.


  • 1A current of water below the surface and moving in a different direction from any surface current.

    • ‘There's been a high undertow and rip currents there.’
    • ‘It was far away, almost out of sight, and the undertow threatened to pull her down at any moment.’
    • ‘It was like a flood, like being trapped in the undertow of a tsunami.’
    • ‘Some people mistakenly call this an undertow, but there's no undercurrent, just an offshore current.’
    • ‘The water then withdraws (the backwash) either as undertow (sheetflow near the sea bed) or in localized currents known as rip currents.’
    • ‘Like undertow at a beach, you find yourself being drawn out to places you don't want to be without realizing it.’
    • ‘There are some rapids downstream, and one of the kayakers seems to get caught in the undertow for a few minutes.’
    • ‘As a wave lifts him he grips onto a rocky ledge and is pulled back by the undertow.’
    • ‘Yet they delighted in the constant movement of the ocean, fascinated by the pounding waves and pulling undertows.’
    • ‘The undertow here's strong, and it'll sweep you out to sea before you know it.’
    • ‘Before they know it, they're caught in the undertow.’
    • ‘It would be quite possible for the shallow boat, affected only by the top current, to be swept away by a ‘huge mass’ being dragged along by the undertow.’
    • ‘Struggling against the current, he was overcome by the undertow several times before he managed to swim with the child to where the boys waited.’
    • ‘Jenny screamed, being dragged under by the massive undertow.’
    • ‘But like the undertow of a giant tidal wave, the massive media exposure couldn't exist without a backlash.’
    • ‘And, as each wave retreats, there is a vicious undertow.’
    • ‘She hit the sandy ground, and got pulled out with the undertow.’
    • ‘Sometimes he tells himself he's not going to follow them, but the current is too strong, the undertow too fierce.’
    • ‘Raise your arm for help, and float with the current or the undertow.’
    • ‘He swam across the river easily, even though the undertow beneath could be fatal to someone who was not a strong swimmer.’
    1. 1.1An implicit quality, emotion, or influence underlying the superficial aspects of something and leaving a particular impression.
      ‘there's a dark undertow of loss that links the novel with earlier works’


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